Day 1 | 25.10.2019

Convent Sant Agustí

Day2 | 26.10. 2019


Day3 | 27.10.2019 

Nota 79

What's that improvised music?

"There's no score, you don't have anything prepared. Music builds itself in the moment. It's about expressing what you feel without having to follow the score written by a stranger. I know it's not easy but it's what we do and we want to give visibility to our work”.

Agustí Fernández, EL PAÍS

"(improvisation) represents the utopia that many of us desire: the existence of a solidary, non-hierarchical world, where any system of control or subordination has been dissolved." 

Chefa Alonso, in "Free Improvisation" by Ruiv Aldivi



The motto of this second official edition is:

“intergenerational IMPRO encounters”.

The MMI Festival Barcelona aims to create enriching encounters between artists with a long trajectory in free improvising, like Agustí Fernández, and upcoming improvisers. The artists will come  from Munich, Berlin, Madrid, Galicia and Valencia to meet with the local scene and freely improvise in multidisciplinary sets. 

The interaction of the musicians, who have mostly never played together, requires a high degree of sensitivity and skill level. 

The audience will hear new and exciting sounds on a wide range of instruments. Thus each concert becomes a unique experience - beyond all musical and cultural boundaries.

Only individual musicians are invited to this MMI Festival, no existing formations. The musical sets are assembled by our musical curator, whether the individual musicians know each other or not, plays no role here.

The festival offers the framework for spontaneous compositions, unique creations and very special listening experiences: Free improvised music is not only relative to the virtuosity of the musicians, the outcome is also connected with the ambience of the place and everyone in the room

On three evenings, the musicians will be accompanied by further artists of related genres, which improvise to the resulting sounds on stage and accentuate them with poetry, dance, ...



El MMI Festival tiene su origen en la idea de un intercambio cultural y artístico entre Munich y Barcelona.

En este contexto, se puso en marcha un proyecto piloto en Múnich 2016. Se celebró con siete músicos de Barcelona y tres de Munich. Una lectura improvisada fue parte del programa también.

Desde entonces, la combinación de la improvisación musical y las formas de arte improvisado relacionadas no es sólo parte del concepto, MMI significa literalmente Música y Más Improvisación.

En 2018, la primera edición oficial del MMI Festival tuvo lugar en Múnich.

ha estado a la altura de su nombre siguiendo este concepto, celebrando 9 sets en tres veladas con músicos de Munich y Barcelona, así como artistas de otros géneros (poesía, baile butoh, …) que han improvisado a los sets que se han interpretado.

Ahora el MMI está listo para dejar el paraíso bávaro y zarpar hacia su puerto mediterráneo.



The MMI Festival has its origins in the idea of a cultural and artistic exchange between Munich and Barcelona. 

Against this background a pilot project was launched in Munich 2016. It was held with seven musicians from Barcelona and three from Munich. An impro reading was part of the program, as well.

Since then, the combination of musical improvisation and related improvised art forms is not just part of the concept, MMI literally means Music & More Impro.

In 2018 the first official edition of the MMI Festival took place in Munich and

lived up to its name by following this concept, holding 9 sets on three evenings with musicians from Munich and Barcelona, as well as artists from other genres (poetry, butoh dance, …) who improvised to the sets that were played.

Now the MMI is all set to leave the Bavarian haven and set sails to its mediterranean port.

Photo: Sophie

Photo: Sophie